Pornanino Cottages, Radda in Chianti

Affitti case vacanze


Località Pornanino, 72, 53017 Radda in Chianti


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Informazioni commerciali e orari di apertura ultimo aggiornamento 13 aprile 2024.

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Informazioni su Pornanino Cottages

On the rolling hills of the Black Rooster area, in the very heart of Chianti, a lovingly restored estate surrounded by 36 hectares of olive groves and wooded hills. The owner’s are part of the breed of neo farmers who migrated from major cities in search of a slower-paced lifestyle where basic values of life are emphasised in everyday living. They had taken on the role of producer of top-quality olive oil with great passion and now conducts weekly seminars and tastings on the subject. Continua a leggere

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